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Cellulite Reversal
Cellulite is able to be reversed in a powerful, non-invasive way. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars when you understand the root cause of the appearance of the lines, tugs, pulls, and dimples on your skin. Cellulite is caused by fibrous connective tissue bands (fascia) that create a puckered and dimpled appearance to the skin surface. Learn more how fascia can be restored for you shape and sculpt your body to love the skin you live in.
Fascia Facts
What is fascia. Learn how fascia is related to the look of your skin, how it affects pain, and where trauma is stored in the body. As a physical therapist & neurologic music therapist, I use a holistic approach for you to create the changes in your life and skin with a deeper understanding of the power of what restored/healthy fascia can do for you.
Truth about Cellulite
There are many misconceptions about cellulite. It is my mission to educate you on the causes and how to reverse the look of. From my physical therapist anatomy point of view, I incorporate medical understanding of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the skeletal system, the visceral system, and the fascia system, into all the systems I create.
Skin Regeneration
Skin restoration is possible with non-invasive techniques. Learn more how skin and fascia are related, and how you can reverse the hands of time with the use of the Shape Tools, Shape Systems, & the Science behind it.
Emotions & Skin
Tissue memory is far-reaching. E-motion is energy that gets stored in your Fascia. Each cell in your body holds emotional memories, and it is pertinent for you to purge your body of emotional toxins that are trapped in your fascia, causing pain, inflammation, & skin distortions. Negative emotions can lock down your body and create dysfunctional patterns in your fascia. In order to have faster & lasting results, it is imperative to free your body & mind of these strain patterns that lock up, contract, scar down, & compress your fascia and distort your skin.
Skin Shaping & Sculpting Tutorials
Written and video tutorials to demonstrate step-by-step instructions to use the Shape Tools & accessories. I show you what you need to do for quick results and how to keep long-term results. I create systems based on my background and experience as a physical therapist, from a physics perspective, and break it down to teach you how I think, in order for you to create the dynamic results you see in Skin Salvation Before & After pictures.
Posture and Biomechanics
As a physical therapist, I teach you how to recognize & change your daily posture and movement patterns that create and sustain cellulite patterns in your body! Your body cannot sustain prolonged posture patterns, leading to stiffness, inflammmation, creases & lines, & pulls, & tugs in your skin (aka cellulite). I educate you how to change these functional postures and positions to function optimally to change the look of cellulite on your skin.
Neurology, Music, & Rhythm
Neuroscience of rhythm perception and rhythmic synchronization mechanisms produce results in 3 major areas: 1. How the brain synchronizes rhythmic movement to external rhythm. 2. Subliminal perception of auditory timing information below the level of conscious perception, which the brain uses to guide the timing of rhythmic movement. 3. Brain mapping using PET and fMRI technology to describe neural networks involved in rhythmic synchronization.
Latest Articles
Cellulite Reversal
Fascia Facts
Truth about Cellulite
Skin Regeneration
Emotions & Skin
Skin Shaping & Sculpting Tutorials
Posture and Biomechanics
Neurology, Music, & Rhythm
Blog categories
Skin Regeneration
Skin Salvation Before & After Video Blog
Physical Therapy Techniques to Feel Confident Fast!
Shape Luscious Lips Without Injections!
Quick Physical Therapy Techniques to Plump Your Lips in 5 min/day!
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